Friday, 4 March 2016

Guilty Pleasures #3: The 2015 Hot Wheels '08 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X...

This one didn't go down well...I should explain now that not all of my Guilty Pleasures posts will be on castings, but that some will also be on an individual version of a casting. This is the first of those, and we don't have to step too far back in time. The '08 Mitsubishi Evolution X has been a firm favourite with collectors since its introduction in (surprise surprise) 2008, especially with JDM fans. It has seen many releases, and when it was revealed to be the Super Treasure Hunt of 2015 Batch H it was a welcome return. Now I must admit, $THs really don't bother me at all, as I live in the UK, a country where we scarcely get any Supers. I don't own a single one, and of course I don't think this is fair, but I manage. However, in this case many collectors hated this version of what is a very good casting, as the deco is apparently too 'busy' and the wheels chosen for the Super were abysmal. I agree totally with the latter and a little with the former, but this post is about the mainline version - the one I actually have.

In my opinion the deco is great, and as it sits on blue J5s (possibly the best mainline HW wheel variation overall, let alone just for this model) you can see why I'm a fan, and I don't think it deserved the amount of hate it received. For that reason, it earns its place in this series, and hopefully you the reader will agree that these photos compliment it, even when alongside a 2008 First Edition version.
Guilty Pleasures continues every Friday...

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